
  • To see the live-streamed services from our church, you will need to go to the "St Joseph's Church, Upton" channel on YouTube (click here to go to the channel). When you reach the channel you will see a series of thumbnails. Scroll down to the row of thumbnails below the heading "Uploads", these thumbnails represent the previously streamed services. If a service is currently being streamed, the first thumbnail in the list will have a label in a red box saying "Live". To watch the livestream, click on this thumbnail. Streaming is usually started about 15 minutes before the start of the service. If the "Live" thumbnail is not showing, please try again closer to the start time of the service.

Schedule for 4th Week of Advent/Christmastide:

Mass at 9.00am.
Mass at 11.00am

Morning Prayer at 9.15am.
Mass at 9.30am.

Tuesday - Christmas Eve
Morning Prayer at 9.15am.
Service of the Word at 9.30am.
Children's Crib Mass at 5.30pm
Carol Service at 8.30pm
Christmas Vigil Mass at 9.00pm

Wednesday - Christmas Day
Family Mass at 10.00am.

Morning Prayer at 9.45am.
Mass at 10.00am

Morning Prayer at 9.45am
Mass at 10.00am.

Morning Prayer at 9.45am
Mass at 10.00am

followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Benediction


Please do not record any music that is sung or played from St Joseph's Church. All recordings are subject to copyright.

Permission to stream the music in services obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #M-401067. All rights reserved.


Services will continue to be Livestreamed on YouTube each day, click here for livestream.

Fourth Week of Advent/Christmastide (Year C)


Sunday - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Mass at 9.00am

Mass at 11.00am


Morning Prayer at 9.15am

Mass at 9.30am

Tuesday - Christmas Eve

Morning Prayer at 9.15am

Service of the Word at 9.30am

Confessions at 10.00am

Children's Crib Mass at 5.30pm

Carol Service at 8.30pm

Christmas Vigil Mass at 9.00pm

 Wednesday - Christmas Day (Holyday of Obligation)

Family Mass at 10.00am

Thursday - Boxing Day

Morning Prayer at 9.45am

Mass at 10.00am


Morning Prayer at 9.45am

Mass at 10.00am


Morning Prayer at 9.45am

Mass at 10.00am

followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Exposition

Confessions at 10.30am


Upcoming Events

Christmas Services


CHRISTMAS SERVICE TIMES (all services will be live streamed)

Chruistmas Eve (24th December):

Confessions at 10.00am
Children's Crib Mass at 5.30pm
Carol Service at 8.30pm
Mass of the Nativity at 9.00pm

Christmas Day (25th December):
 Family Mass at 10.00am

Boxing Day (26th December):
 Morning Prayer at 9.45am
 Mass at 10.00am



  • Olly Stamp Appeal

Welcome to the Website of St. Joseph's Catholic Church

Moreton Road, Upton, Wirral, CH49 6LJ


Father Lucas Ngwa


Rev. David Cotterell



0151-678 7696


0151-677 8426



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  • Slide 5


Please sanitise your hands when entering the church.

Formal social distancing is no longer required in church buildings however, we are urged to be sensitive to the needs and concerns of others

Face coverings are no longer compulsory in the church, but we are advised to continue wearing them.

Only come to the church if it is safe for you and you do not have any Covid-19 symptoms.

     Pennies Make Pounds - Penny jar at the back of church